When you wish upon a star

...your dreams come true! I have been praying for this opportunity for the past year, and things are finally starting to come into motion. I will be going on an equity National Tour! I am just....ecstatic beyond all belief. My first equity contract, an opportunity to travel and see so much of the country I've never seen before, and an opportunity to work with one of my life-time favorite theaters.

Its almost too good to be true. Oy!

Still undecided if I'll turn equity or remain non-equity. As soon as I make up my mind one way or the other, something causes me to reconsider. If I turn equity, I will be disqualified from all subsequent non-equity contracts, but allowed first priority to auditions for great equity jobs (higher pay, professional houses, Broadway, etc), but the competition is much tougher because everyone has passed a certain level of efficiency to join the union. Many people advise that I hold off joining the union until I'm "ready" - but what does "ready" really entail? I've gotten great advice that points to waiting and building the resume & confidence through non-equity jobs which are easier to achieve. However....how can I gain big unless I gamble big?

On another note, my current show is going just splendidly. The production value is very high, costumes, set, special effects, sound are all great. I think the kids (and the adults, too) are gonna like it. Pay-what-you-can is this Thursday @ 7pm, official opening is Friday @ 7pm!


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