Great Thanksgiving Adventure '09

Well, I guess Thanksgiving is one of those holidays that is going on the "away-from-home" list for this year. Oh well - I've never been a big fan of this particular holiday anyways (why do you need one particular day to be thankful, why not be thankful every day?), so I wasn't that upset to be away from home.

Our tour break officially started in Memphis, TN - which is a great town, by the way. One other cast-mate and I decided to spend a few days of the holiday in Nashville, TN where a friend of mine had offered his apartment to us. We were looking forward to making a home made Thanksgiving meal and doing the touristy thing in Nashville. I've never been to Nashville, but have always wanted to check it out. We rented a car and drove a few hours to our destination, only to find that we were essentially locked out of my friend's condo building and now had no where to stay.

After a rather stressful and disappointing conversation with the condo manager, who refused to let us into the apartment, we did a quick sweep down the main drag, drove by the Grand Ol'Opry, and made our way back to Memphis.

In stark comparison today, Thanksgiving, has been very stress-free. I watched the parade on TV, saw 2012 (terrible acting but terrific special effects, it really did freak me out), and then ate my FACE off.

We went to a Brazilian Steakhouse for dinner. Incredible. I'm generally not a big fan of meat, but its impossible not to be one at this place. There was not one thing that wasn't delicious here. After stuffing yourself on the salad bar which had everything from mozzarella to portabello mushrooms to tabbouleh, the waiters bring around all kinds of skewers of beef until you cry for mercy. My favorites were the lamb chop, flank steak, and the fillet mignon wrapped in bacon. I do not miss turkey at all. can kiss it.


  1. Just thinking about turduckin makes me feel a little queasy... haha. And I agree -- let's be thankful year-round. :)

  2. Well, we missed having you at home!


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