Lentil Curry with Squash

I've been revamping my eating habits by going Pescatarian. (In an effort to go Vegetarian, but unable to dive in fully yet for fear of lapsing, I'm still allowing myself to eat fish.) I've been eating more veggies and yummy-whole grains that I ever have before, and I can say that my body feels different. I've had markedly less headaches (um, one big point for vegetarianism right there), and I have more energy. I've also become a lot of braver in the kitchen!

Last night I went totally rogue, and made a delicious lentil curry. Not exactly sure about these measurements, because I spiced-and-went, but the result was a nutty, sweet, flavorful dish (and a new, filling, alternative to meat!). Could be served sweet, or could be made spicy, depending on how much chili/red pepper is added.

1 cup black lentils
1 small onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 tomato, cubed
1 tbsp Olive Oil
1 tsp curry powder (or use turmeric & red pepper...that's what it said on the ingredient list of my curry powder)
1 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp chili powder
salt & pepper to taste
1 spaghetti squash

Prepare spaghetti squash - heat oven to 350, and cut squash in half. Lightly drizzle with OO, and place on baking pan. Bake in oven for 35-45 minutes, or until soft and forkable. Remove and let cook for 10 minutes.

In saucepan, heat olive oil. Add onion and garlic, brown well. Add tomato and reduce down for 5 minutes. Add lentils and rest of ingredients. Stir, and add more or less spices to taste. Simmer on low heat for 30 minutes. Tomatoes will be completely cooked down, and sauce will be yellow-brown.

Use fork to scrape pulp out of squash. Result is "spaghetti" like strands! Salt and pepper to taste, and serve lentils on top. Yummmy! :)

Serves 2-3. If you'd like more, add more lentils, and throw in another tomato. Hello, leftovers!


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