Pantry Challenge IV: Sweet Couscous with Apple

I have always considered couscous a dinner food because it is usually prepared to be savory with vegetables and gravy. By itself, it is sweet and light, and a perfect natural substitute for breakfast cereal! According to Wikipedia:

"Couscous is among the healthiest grain-based products. It has a glycemic load per gram 25% below that of pasta. It has a superior vitamin profile to pasta, containing twice as much riboflavinniacinvitamin B6, and folate, and containing four times as much thiamine and pantothenic acid.[10][11][12]
In terms of protein, couscous has 3.6 g for every 100 calories, equivalent to pasta, and well above the 2.6 g for every 100 calories of white rice. Furthermore, couscous contains a 1% fat-to-calorie ratio, compared to 3% for white rice, 5% for pasta, and 11.3% for rice pilaf.[13]"

It is high in potassium, fiber, and B6; these are all nutrients that I know I don't get enough of. I refuse to believe that "fortified" cereals like Cheerios and Frosted Flakes are better for me than natural, minimally-processed foods.

And let me tell you that this is so much more filling than a bowl of cereal! You get the texture of each little grain, in contrast to having a bowl of warm gooey oatmeal. I love my oatmeal...but couscous may have just won my heart.

1/3 cup couscous
2/3 cup water
splash of vanilla
chopped apple

Let the water boil. Throw everything else in. Boil for 5 minutes and then take off of burner. Let sit until water has absorbed. Fluff with your fork and you are done!

Leftovers would still be delicious for lunch!

The pantry is looking pretty empty. Five days left before I travel home for rehearsals!


  1. Hello. I love couscous! Thanks for the recipe. I can't wait to try it.

  2. You are welcome! This makes such a warm and filling breakfast.


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