Looking Forward

Its hard for me to believe that 2011 is almost over. So much has happened in the last year, from moving to my first "adult apartment", overcoming the emotional trauma of having bedbugs, packing up again and moving to New York without knowing many people and developing a life there, going on tour again, and writing the rough draft of a novel. At each step of the way, progress seemed painfully slow, but in retrospect, 2011 was a very formative year for me. A good year. Thanks, 2011.

Looking into 2012, I'm ridiculously excited. Not only am I starting the year off doing a show that I adore, I've just received some awesome news that this show will be traveling abroad to the Middle East. I'm not sure how many details I can spill yet, but the trip was confirmed and I'll be traveling internationally in March. On top of that, I'm still planning to do a trip to China with some high school pals. Early 2012 will be filled with some international adventure. I'm hoping to go to China right after our show's trip, so *crossed fingers* I'll be traveling for almost an entire month abroad. Eek!

Its hard for me to actually picture these trips, and it doesn't seem real. I know once I'm on the airplane headed East, it'll start to sink in and I'll freak out. For right now, I feel very zen and a little butterfly-in-the-stomach-y. 2012 already has so much promise! I hope it tops 2011 :)


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