Snow Day Low Day

I was in a pretty foul mood yesterday. I am a self-admitted Grinch; just the mention of snow is enough to turn me into a fuzzy green monster.

Not to mention the traffic that Mother Nature bestowed upon our area:

On Google Map's satellite traffic, some areas were just marked in black. As in, nothing is moving. Thankfully I was indoors before any of the snow hit, and was able to appreciate the storm from behind my window.

I had a call back for the video audition from last week. I really hunkered down on those sides; gave myself all kinds of scenarios and background work on the character. Turns out - that wasn't what the director wanted. I couldn't seem to bring to life what they were imagining, and when the other contender for the part breezed in (15 minutes late, with no script, by the way), I overheard the production team saying to her, "Oh, thats great! Perfect!" I knew I didn't book the job. Such is life.

Sometimes you don't know you want something until it is dangling right in front of your nose, and you can't have it. That is how I felt about this job - it would have been a terrific career opportunity, but not my #1 goal, per se. I was pretty pissed at myself afterwards, and came home to my least favorite scenario - snow.

But you know what? Every morning we are blessed with a brand new spanking day, and I am so grateful I woke up with a fresh perspective.

How can I stay upset with this kind of beauty surrounding me? Its a reminder for me to stay optimistic, focus on what is beautiful and right in front of my nose, because you know what?

Sometimes we all get our wheels caught in the snow.


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