Madison is Stupidly Cool

Wisconsin State Capital Building....look familiar?

I have a huge crush on Madison, Wisconsin. From certain angles, you'd swear you were in Washington, D.C., because their traditional style Capital building looks a lot like DC's. Looking down the long, wide streets, the capital building is prominently featured.

There are so many boutique shops filled with pop art, vintage clothing, and independent coffee shops. Eating locally is prominent in the city's culture, and there are vegan, natural food options in most restaurants. I finally ate something other than Americana or Mexican; I had dinner at an Indian restaurant, and lunch at a Tibetan restaurant. Last night we went to a delicious Brazilian steakhouse, which had a salad bar option that was more than satisfying. I ate so much I had to go home and lay down, a lot like my last Brazilian Steakhouse experience in Memphis. I'm talking all kinds of vegetables, nuts, (Wisconsin!) cheeses, stew, garlic mashed potatoes, and this amazing roasted pineapple covered in cinnamon.

Overture Center for the Performing Arts

The town feels like a hybrid of Washington and Soho in New York. Every shop I walk into, I freak out, because its all so cute and I want to buy everything.

From the stage. This is a lovely theater with an interesting mix of traditional molding and wallpaper, with some mod chandeliers. 

I could see myself living here for a summer. My only beef with Madison is that it is bone-chillingly cold. No matter how many layers I put on, I feel like crying when I'm outside for more than a few minutes. I'm talking leggings under jeans, five layers of shirts/sweaters, 2 pairs of socks, scarf, gloves, hat, hoodie.

My jacket barely closed. It was about 20 degrees last night and windy. During the beautiful sunshiny days we've had, the high is still 30.

Don't I look moderately homeless? Or like I'm auditioning for Rent?

I love it here, but I would never survive the winter. I'd alienate all my friends from complaining too much about the weather, and I'd never go outside. I'd become a cat lady well before my time.


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